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Unstoppable Love

Liz Trenckmann

“Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 17:12-13

These days I find myself. . . Hugging my kids a little longer. Kissing them an extra 2, 3. . . (ok, maybe 4) times before they leave for school. Rocking my little Alec to sleep way past the moment his eyes close.

Today, on our walk, Rob asked me, “How does your sister’s death change you?”

I took a really deep breath and said, “There is a good chance that most people in this world are suffering in some way or another. There are so many things in this world that cause pain, sorrow, fear, and sadness: Death Job-loss Cancer Physical pain Mental struggles. . .

I want to be a light. A kind, gentle and determined light. Reminding people over. . . and over. . . and over. . . AND OVER they are not alone. There is a love deeper and greater than any human can offer. A captivating, soul changing, unstoppable love.

Today, tomorrow and the next I want all to hear and know God’s love is: Unstoppable, Unshakeable, Inescapable.

He mourns with us in the depths of despair and celebrates with us in times of great joy. God created you and me for relationship with each other and with him.

My friend you are loved.

You are valued.

You are treasured.

“Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 17:12-13

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