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His Promised Passionate Pursual

Liz Trenckmann

I wanted to be one of them.

Their long flowy robes and their brightly colored tassels.

Leaders of the temple.

And of the church.

Ones chosen to stand between God and man.


Though I could recite the Old Testament. . .

I wasn’t what they wanted.

I am not sure if it was my loudmouth or my fish cologne,

But I didn’t make the cut.


Years spent training,


And preparing

For the holy life of a monk,




Back to the boats.

Back to the fish.

Back to doing not what I want to do, but what I have to do.


Out and in.

Out and in.

The rhythm of the day matching the rhythm of the net.

Out and in.

Out and in.






Out and in.

Out and in.




And tedious.


Late nights and early mornings.

Days, weeks, and months away from family.

Food on the table but not in the soul.




And dreary.


One day I will prove to them,

That I am more than a fisherman.




The sun beating down on toasty red shoulders and scorched cheeks.

Time to cast the net again.

Maybe. . . something significant today


From the shore we hear his voice.

A call,

An offering,

A summons.


“Come, follow me.

I will send you out to fish for people.”

Matthew 4:19



How did this man know my heart’s desire?

Though uncertain,

I followed.


He never gave us ornate robes or golden tassels.

Instead, He offered us leftovers,

Wore out our sandals,

Spoke to us in riddles,

Confronted our faith,

Washed our feet,

Nourished our souls,

Showed us the Father,

And taught us about true love.


He did not offer separation or royalty but

Strength in weakness,

Compassion in fragility,

Kindness in wretchedness,

And loyalty in denial.


He didn’t give me what I wanted,

But gave me what I longed for.

Compassion and grace.


He made me a fisher of man.

Not one who baits with law,

But who pursues with love.


Not a fisherman to be praised,

But a fisherman to serve.


His passionate pursual,

Taught me,

How to passionately pursue.



“Greater love has no one than this:

to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

John 15:13




He was the sinless sacrifice,

The High Priest,

And the Guarantor.


The one who continues his promised passionate pursual.

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1 Comment

Feb 07, 2024

🤗 Love this Liz - well said!

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